Observations in Hyde Park

July proceeds. In ante-prandial strollings
I note the Season's climax. Cabbage-green,
Lush from humidity of cloud cajolings,
Predominates the vegetative scene.
Soaked, too, with blandishments of golden glare
(For, after all, the sun's a millionaire
Supremacied from super-tax), Hyde Park
Inhales its sunset swarms of biped forms
Prosperously promenading toward the dark.

But who are these that round the central road
Patrol superb in yellow-wheeled barouches?
What social magic keeps each carriage-load
Exempt from Lenin's Communistic Douches?
Observe the intrepid bonnets, how they flout
(From all that constitutes correct turn-out)
Darwin (who dared suggest arboreal monkey
As ancestor of all, from Queen to flunkey).

Meanwhile the scarlet band begins to render
A Mendelssohn Selection ; and the throng
Of vesperal perisaunterers, touched by tender
Drum-bourdoned brass, discards stop-press for song.
The crested carriage halts; gem-dangled ears
Hearken in pensive frumpdom to the chords
That thrilled flounced-muslin maidenhood to tears;
The horses snort; she sighs for vanished lords.

Down Rotten Row the riders canter slow,
Keeping the old equestrian game alive.
Along warm asphalt paths foot-farers flow,
Pausing to watch pink pelargoniums thrive.
Pink pelargoniums thrive. Demure Democracy
Respects that commonwealth of sward-set bloom;
And no one signals the cockaded groom
To pluck bouquets for obsolete Aristocracy.
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