Occasional Imitation of a Modern Author uopn the Game of Chess
A Tablet stood of that abstersive Tree,
Where Æthiops swarthy Bird did build her Nest,
Inlaid it was with Libian Ivory,
Drawn from the Jaws of Africk 's prudent Beast.
Two Kings like Saul , much Taller than the rest,
Their equal Armies draw into the Field;
Till one take th'other Prisoner they contest;
Courage and Fortune must to Conduct yield.
This Game the Persian Magi did invent,
The force of Eastern Wisdom to express;
From thence to busie Europeans sent,
And styl'd by Modern Lumbards Pensive Chess.
Yet some that fled from Troy to Rome report,
Penthesilea Priam did oblige;
Her- Amazons , his Trojans taught this Sport,
To pass the tedious hours of ten years Siege.
There she presents her self, whilst King and Peers
Look gravely on whilst fierce Bellona fights;
Yet Maiden Modesty her Motions steers,
Nor rudely skips o'er Bishops Heads like Knights .
Where Æthiops swarthy Bird did build her Nest,
Inlaid it was with Libian Ivory,
Drawn from the Jaws of Africk 's prudent Beast.
Two Kings like Saul , much Taller than the rest,
Their equal Armies draw into the Field;
Till one take th'other Prisoner they contest;
Courage and Fortune must to Conduct yield.
This Game the Persian Magi did invent,
The force of Eastern Wisdom to express;
From thence to busie Europeans sent,
And styl'd by Modern Lumbards Pensive Chess.
Yet some that fled from Troy to Rome report,
Penthesilea Priam did oblige;
Her- Amazons , his Trojans taught this Sport,
To pass the tedious hours of ten years Siege.
There she presents her self, whilst King and Peers
Look gravely on whilst fierce Bellona fights;
Yet Maiden Modesty her Motions steers,
Nor rudely skips o'er Bishops Heads like Knights .
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