Ode 31. The Pleasing Frenzy


Now bring, by all the pow'rs divine,
Bring me a bowl of rosy wine;
A mighty bowl of wine I crave;
When wine inspires 'tis sweet to rave.
In frantic rage Alcmaeon drew
His falchion; and his mother slew:
Orestes in a furious mood,
Raving, shed his mother's blood.
Dreadful, sober madmen, they! —
None, harmless drunkard! none I slay.
The blood of grapes I only crave;
I quaff it, and 'tis sweet to rave.
Alcides frantic grasp'd his bow,
His quiver rattled, stor'd with woe:
Stern Ajax shook his glitt'ring blade,
And broad his sevenfold shield display'd:
Dangerous madman! how he drew
His sword, and hosts in fancy slew!
I, peaceful I, no falchi on wield;
I bend no bow, I poise no shield:
The flow'ry garland crowns my hairs,
My hand the pow'rful goblet bears;
The pow'rful goblet, nobly brave,
I drain, and then 'tis sweet to rave.
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