Ode 3.19 -
Tonson : While at my House in Fleet-street once you lay,
How merrily, dear Sir, Time pass'd away?
While I partook your Wine, your Wit, and Mirth,
I was the happiest Creature on God's Yearth .
Congreve : While in your early Days of Reputation,
You for blue Garters had not such a Passion;
While yet you did not use (as now your Trade is)
To drink with noble Lords, and toast their Ladies;
Thou, J ACOB T ONSON , wert, to my conceiving,
The chearfullest, best, honest, Fellow living.
Tonson : I'm in with Captain V ANBRUGH at the present,
A most sweet-natur'd Gentleman, and pleasant;
He writes your Comedies, draws Schemes, and Models,
And builds Dukes Houses upon very odd-Hills;
For him, so much I dote on him, that I,
If I was sure to go to Heaven would die.
Congreve : Temple and D ALAVAL are now my Party,
Men that are tam Mercurio , both quam Marte ;
And tho' for them I shall scarce go to Heaven,
Yet I can drink with them six Nights in seven.
Tonson : What if from V AN 's dear Arms I should retire,
And once more warm my Bunnians at your Fire;
If I to Bow-Street should invite you home,
And set a Bed up in my Dining-Room,
Tell me, dear Mr. C ONGREVE , Would you come?
Congreve : Tho' the gay Sailor, and the gentle Knight,
Were Ten times more my Joy and Heart's Delight;
Tho' civil Persons they, you ruder were,
And had more Humours than a dancing Bear:
Yet for your sake, I'd bid 'em both adieu,
And live and die, dear C OB , with only you.
How merrily, dear Sir, Time pass'd away?
While I partook your Wine, your Wit, and Mirth,
I was the happiest Creature on God's Yearth .
Congreve : While in your early Days of Reputation,
You for blue Garters had not such a Passion;
While yet you did not use (as now your Trade is)
To drink with noble Lords, and toast their Ladies;
Thou, J ACOB T ONSON , wert, to my conceiving,
The chearfullest, best, honest, Fellow living.
Tonson : I'm in with Captain V ANBRUGH at the present,
A most sweet-natur'd Gentleman, and pleasant;
He writes your Comedies, draws Schemes, and Models,
And builds Dukes Houses upon very odd-Hills;
For him, so much I dote on him, that I,
If I was sure to go to Heaven would die.
Congreve : Temple and D ALAVAL are now my Party,
Men that are tam Mercurio , both quam Marte ;
And tho' for them I shall scarce go to Heaven,
Yet I can drink with them six Nights in seven.
Tonson : What if from V AN 's dear Arms I should retire,
And once more warm my Bunnians at your Fire;
If I to Bow-Street should invite you home,
And set a Bed up in my Dining-Room,
Tell me, dear Mr. C ONGREVE , Would you come?
Congreve : Tho' the gay Sailor, and the gentle Knight,
Were Ten times more my Joy and Heart's Delight;
Tho' civil Persons they, you ruder were,
And had more Humours than a dancing Bear:
Yet for your sake, I'd bid 'em both adieu,
And live and die, dear C OB , with only you.
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