Ode 37. The Spring

See, winter's past! the seasons bring
Soft breezes with returning spring,
At whose approach the graces wear
Fresh honours in their flowing hair;
The raging seas forget to roar,
And, smiling, gently kiss the shore;
The sportive duck in wanton play
Now dives, now rises into day;
The cranes from freezing skies repair,
And sailing float to warmer air:
Th' enlivening suns in glory rise,
And gayly dance along the skies.
The clouds disperse, or if in show'rs
They fall, 'tis to awake the flow'rs.
See, verdure clothes the teeming earth,
The olive struggles into birth;
The swelling grapes adorn the vine,
And kindly promise future wine:
Blest juice! already I in thought
Quaff an imaginary draught.
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