Ode To Bacchus.

Pueple god of joyous wit,
Here’s to thee!
Deign to let the bardie sit
Near thy knee;
Thy open brow, and laughing eye,
Vanquishing the hidden sigh,
Making care before thee fly,
Smiling Bacchus, god of wine!

Thy stream intoxicates my song,
For I am warm;
I love thee late, I love thee long;
Thou dost me charm;
I ever loved thee much before,
And now I love thee more and more,
For thou art loved the wide world o’er,
Charming Bacchus, god of wine!

“Angels hear that angels sing,”
Sang the bard,
While the muse is on the wing,
Pay regard;
See how Bacchus’ nectar flows,
Healing up the heartstrings’ woes,
Making friends, and minus foes,
Gracious Bacchus, god of wine!

Ever on thee I depend,
As my guest;
Thou wilt bring to me the friend
I love best;
Friendship is the wine of love;
Angels dwell with it above,
Cooing like the turtle-dove
Lovely Bacchus, god of wine!

Laughing Genius, a “Good night!”
Yet, stay awhile!
Ere thou tak’st thy upward flight,
Upon me smile;
Drop one feather from thy breast
On the bard, that he may rest,
Then he will be doubly bless’d,
Glorious Bacchus, god of wine!

Kings are great, but thou art just,
Night and day;
What are kings but royal dust—
Birds of prey?
Though in splendour they may be—
Menials bow, and bend the knee—
Oh, let me dwell along with thee,
Famous Bacchus, god of wine!
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