
When treason boldly stalked the land
And poisoned hearts of men
Till traitors rose on every hand,
A patriot called us then;
We followed, comrade,—you and I,—
Where death and wounds were thick,
And gloried in the battle-cry,
“Hurrah for Uncle Dick!”

They say that we, who knew no fears
Of death and carnage then,
Are summoned in these after years,
To follow him again;
Not with the gun nor with the sword,
But with the hoe and pick,
We come, a brave, determined horde—
Hurrah for Uncle Dick!

His waving hair was black as night
In that dear long ago;
But now with care and age 't is white
As first December snow;
But round that old and whitened head
Have honors, fast and thick,
A grand, majestic halo shed—
Hurrah for Uncle Dick!

Once tall and stately was the form
That now is stooped and bent;
Wait till he scents the coming storm
And marks the base intent
Of foemen circling round about,
And see how pow'rful quick
That grave old body straightens out—
Hurrah for Uncle Dick!

And as we rallied in the fray
With him long years ago,
So do we rally round, to-day,
The chief we reverence so.
Beware the foe, O patriots true,
Beware each traitorous trick.
We still are soldiers of the blue—
Hurrah for Uncle Dick!
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