Oh, the Beautiful Old Story

Oh, the beautiful old story!
Of the little child that lay
In a manger on that morning,
When the stars sang in the day;
When the happy shepherds kneeling,
As before a holy shrine,
Blessed God and the tender mother
For a life that was divine.

Oh, the pleasant, peaceful story!
Of the youth who grew so fair,
In his father's humble dwelling,
Poverty and toil to share,
Till around him, in the temple,
Marvelling, the old men stood,
As through his wise innocency
Shone the meek boy's angelhood.

Oh, the wonderful, true story!
Of the messenger from God,
Who among the poor and lowly,
Bravely and devoutly trod,
Working miracles of mercy,
Preaching peace, rebuking strife,
Blessing all the little children,
Lifting up the dead to life.

Oh, the sad and solemn story!
Of the cross, the crown, the spear,
Of the pardon, pain, and glory
That have made this name so dear.
This example let us follow,
Fearless, faithful to the end,
Walking in the sacred footsteps
Of our brother, Master, friend.
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