Old Early's Camp at Fisher's Hill

Old Early's Camp at Fisher's Hill
Resolved some Yankee's blood to spill.
He chose the time when Phil was gone,
The Yankee's Camp to fall upon;
“Get out of the way,” said General Early,
“We've come to drive you from the valley.”

With Sheridan twenty miles away,
Old Early did not brook delay;
But struck at night to show his scorn,
Of Union soldiers weak and worn;
“Get out of the way,” said General Early,
“We've come to drive you from the valley.”

The cannon's roar attracted Phil,
In conference he had lingered still,
He made a dash upon his steed,
No mortal man had made such speed;
His columns now were torn asunder,
The dead and dying trampled under.

“Turn, boys, turn,” was his command,
“Grant not the villain his demand:”
When the eighteenth corps had time to form,
They checked Old Early and his throng;
“Now change your tune,” said Phil to Early,
“You've come too late to gain the valley.”

Old Early knew by the Yank's brave stand,
That Sheridan was in command;
Such awful oaths he did repeat,
While Rebel soldiers did retreat;
“Get out of the way,” said Phil to Early,
“You've come too late to gain the valley.”
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