Only because I truly exist, you exist
Only because I truly exist, you exist! Without me, you cannot be!
You will exist only as long as I exist!
If I no longer exist, you too will cease to be, and become ineffable,
For who will name you if I cease to be?
So long as saguna exists, nirguna remains
Says my satguru; When saguna leaves, nirguna ceases too.
This is the ineffable state of complete bliss!
Only because I truly exist, you exist! Without me, you cannot be!
You will exist only as long as I exist!
The same is true of Jiva and Siva
As long as Jiva remains, Siva remains,
When Jiva ceases to be, Siva too simply cannot be.
With this ceases the conflict of contrasting appellations!
Only because I truly exist, you exist! Without me, you cannot be!
You will exist only as long as I exist!
As salt dissolves in water, my name will dissolve in you,
Thus, says Mehta Narsinh, the thinker,
Who is none other than what he thinks of,
Will be one with the object of his thought!
Only because I truly exist, you exist! Without me, you cannot be!
You will exist only as long as I exist!
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