The Order of the Booke

The sonets following are divided into 3 parts, each parte
contayning 3 severall arguments, and every argument 7 sonets.

The first parte is of variable affections of loue wherein the
first 7 be of the beginning and byrth of his loue, the second
7 of the prayse of his Mistrisse, the thyrd 7 of seuerall
accidents hap:ning in the tyme of his loue.

The second is the prayse of perticulars wherein the first 7 be
of the generall honoure of this Ile, through the prayses of the
heads thereof, the Q: of England and K: of Scotts, the second 7
celebrate the memory of perticular ladies whoe the author most
honoureth, the thyrd 7 be to the honoure of perticulars
presented vpon seuerall occasions.

The thyrd parte is tragicall conteyning only lamentations
wherein the first 7 be complaynts onlye of misfortunes in loue,
the second 7 funerall sonets of the death of perticulars, the
last 7 of the end and death of his loue.
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