Original Hymn

Not unto men alone has come
The Saviour's earnest call,
" Go, feed my sheep, that homeless roam; "
It comes alike to all.

It finds response in childhood's heart,
That, moved with others' need,
Would gladly do its humble part
Christ's suffering lambs to feed.

In many a city's streets they rove,
With none to shelter, bless,
With none to guide, instruct, and love,
As in a wilderness.

" Lov'st thou me? " the Saviour said
To him who had denied;
" Then feed my sheep, the feeblest aid;
To thee I them confide. "

That blessed mission may we all
Like Peter, too, fulfil;
So shall we heed the Saviour's call,
And do our Father's will.
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