Our great lord who reigns in peace
Our great lord who reigns in peace,
being divine, acts divinely,
and by the rapids of Yoshino River
raises high the high halls,
and when she climbs up to look on the land,
from the green and manifold mountains
the mountain gods present their offerings,
bringing her blossoms in the spring
and yellow leaves when autumn comes,
and the running river gods too
make their offerings for the sacred meal,
sending cormorants to the upper shoals
and casting nets in the lower shoals.
Such is this glorious age of a god
whom both mountain and river come to serve.
Being a god
whom both mountain and river come to serve
in the rapids she sets her boat to sail.
being divine, acts divinely,
and by the rapids of Yoshino River
raises high the high halls,
and when she climbs up to look on the land,
from the green and manifold mountains
the mountain gods present their offerings,
bringing her blossoms in the spring
and yellow leaves when autumn comes,
and the running river gods too
make their offerings for the sacred meal,
sending cormorants to the upper shoals
and casting nets in the lower shoals.
Such is this glorious age of a god
whom both mountain and river come to serve.
Being a god
whom both mountain and river come to serve
in the rapids she sets her boat to sail.
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