Our Ladye's Spousalls
Wife did she live, yet virgin did she die,
Untowchd of man, yet mother of a sonne;
To save herself and childe from fatall lye,
To end the webb whereof the thredd was spoone,
In mariage knottes to Josephe she was tyde,
Unwonted workes with wonted veyles to hide.
God lent His paradice to Josephe's care,
Wherein He was to plante the tree of life;
His Sonne, of Joseph's childe the title bare,
Just cause to make the mother Josephe's wife.
O blessèd man! betrothd to such a spouse,
More blessd to live with such a childe in house!
Noe carnall love this sacred league procurde,
All vayne delites were farre from their assent;
Though both in wedlock bands them selves assurde,
Yet strait by vow they seald their chast entent:
Thus had she virgins', wives', and widowes' crowne,
And by chast childbirth doubled her renowne.
Untowchd of man, yet mother of a sonne;
To save herself and childe from fatall lye,
To end the webb whereof the thredd was spoone,
In mariage knottes to Josephe she was tyde,
Unwonted workes with wonted veyles to hide.
God lent His paradice to Josephe's care,
Wherein He was to plante the tree of life;
His Sonne, of Joseph's childe the title bare,
Just cause to make the mother Josephe's wife.
O blessèd man! betrothd to such a spouse,
More blessd to live with such a childe in house!
Noe carnall love this sacred league procurde,
All vayne delites were farre from their assent;
Though both in wedlock bands them selves assurde,
Yet strait by vow they seald their chast entent:
Thus had she virgins', wives', and widowes' crowne,
And by chast childbirth doubled her renowne.
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