From Out the Golden Doors of Dawn

From out the golden doors of dawn
The wise men came, of wondrous thought,
Who knew the stars. From far upon
The shoreless East they kneeling brought
Their costly gifts of in wrought gems and gold,
While cloudlike incense from their presence rolled.

Their sweets of flower fields, their sweet
Distilments of most sacred leaves
They laid, low-bending, at His feet,
As reapers bend above their sheaves —
As strong-armed reapers bending clamorous
To gather golden full sheaves kneeling thus.

And kneeling so, they spake of when
God walked His garden's sacred sod,
Nor yet had hid his face from men,
Nor yet had man forgotten God.
They spake. But Mary kept her thought apart
And, silent, " pondered all things in her heart. "

They spake in whispers long, they laid
Their shaggy heads together, drew
Some stained scrolls breathless forth, then made
Such speech as only wise men knew, —
Their high, red camels on the huge hill set
Outstanding, like some night-hewn silhouette.
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