Over All the Lands

Over the prairies and over the mountains,
And up from the cities that front the sea,
Out from the mills and the mines and the forests
Is surging the call that shall set men free:


Over all the lands it sounds
And over all the waters:
" Earth and the fruits of earth
For all earth's sons and daughters!
No more each for each alone,
But undivided,
With hearts decided
We rise to claim our own! "

No more shall one man grow rich from another,
Or greed of the few thwart the common good;
Children are we of the one Mighty Mother,
As wide as the earth in our brotherhood.

Brothers shall build us the homes that we dwell in,
And brothers shall till for our food and soil;
Brothers in freedom shall meet with each other,
With gladness exchanging the fruits of toil.

Brothers shall sit in the council of peoples
With old hates forgotten and war flags furled;
Brothers shall build us the ships and the railroads
That bind us together across the world!
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