The Oxford Newsman's Verses


Think of the Palms, my Masters dear!
That crown this memorable year!
Come fill the glass, my hearts of gold,
To Britain's Heroes brisk and hold:
While into rhyme I strive to turn all
The fam'd events of many a Journal.
France feeds her sons on meagre soup,
'Twas hence they lost their Guadaloupe:
What though they dress so fine and ja'nty?
They could not keep Marigalante.
Their forts in Afric could not repel
The thunder of undaunted Keppel:
Brave Commodore! how we adore ye
For giving us success at Goree.
Ticonderago, and Niagara,
Make each true Briton sing O rare a!
I trust the taking of Crown-Point
Has put French courage out of joint,
Can we forget the timely check
Wolfe gave the scoundrels at Quebec? —
That name has stopp'd my glad career, —
Your faithful Newsman drops a tear! —
But other triumphs still remain,
And rouse to glee my rhymes again.
On Minden's plains, ye meek Mounseers!
Remember Kingsley's grenadiers.
You vainly thought to ballarag us
With your fine squadron off Cape Lagos;
But when Boscawen came, La Clue
Sheer'd off, and look'd confounded blue.
Conflans', all cowardice and puff,
Hop'd to demolish hardy Duff;
But soon unlook'd-for guns o'eraw'd him,
Hawke darted forth, and nobly claw'd him.
And now their vaunted Formidable
Lies captive to a British cable.
Would you demand the glorious cause
Whence Britain every trophy draws?
You need not puzzle long your wit; —
Fame, from her trumpet, answers — Pitt.
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