The Panther, Horse, and Other Beasts
The man who seeks to win the fair
(So custom says) must truth forbear,
Must fawn and flatter, cringe and lie,
And raise the goddess to the sky;
For truth is hateful to her ear,
A rudeness which she cannot bear.
A rudeness! yes: I speak my thoughts;
For Truth upbraids her with her faults.
How wretched, Chloe! then am I,
Who love you, and yet cannot lie;
And, still to make you less my friend,
I strive your errors to amend!
But shall the senseless fop impart
The softest passion to your heart;
While he who tells you honest truth,
And points to happiness your youth,
Determines by his care his lot,
And lives neglected and forgot?
Trust me, my dear, with greater ease
Your taste for flattery I could please,
And similes in each dull line
Like glow-worms in the dark should shine.
What if I say your lips disclose
The freshness of the opening rose?
Or that your cheeks are beds of flow'rs,
Enripen'd by refreshing show'rs?
Yet certain as these flow'rs shall fade,
Time every beauty will invade.
The butterfly, of various hue,
More than the flow'r resembles you;
Fair, fluttering, fickle, busy things,
To pleasure ever on the wing,
Gaily coquetting for an hour,
To die and ne'er be thought of more!
Would you the bloom of youth should last?
'Tis virtue that must bind it fast—
An easy carriage, wholly free
From sour reserve or levity;
Good-natur'd mirth, an open heart,
And looks unskill'd in any art;
Humility enough to own
The frailties which a friend makes known;
And decent pride enough to know
The worth that virtue can bestow.
These are the charms which ne'er decay,
Though youth and beauty fade away;
And time, which all things else removes,
Still heightens virtue, and improves.
You'll frown, and ask to what intent
This blunt address to you is sent?
I'll spare the question, and confess
I'd praise you if I lov'd you less;
But rail, be angry, or complain,
I will be rude while you are vain.
Beneath a lion's peaceful reign,
When beasts met friendly on the plain,
A Panther of majestic port,
(The vainest female of the court)
With spotted skin and eyes of fire,
Fill'd every bosom with desire:
Where'er she mov'd, a servile crowd
Of fawning creatures cring'd and bow'd;
Assemblies every week she held,
(Like modern belles) with coxcombs fill'd,
Where noise, and nonsense, and grimace,
And lies and scandal, fill'd the place,
Behold the gay fantastic thing
Encircled by the spacious ring;
Low-bowing, with important look,
As first in rank, the Monkey spoke:
‘Gad take me, madam! but I swear
No angel ever look'd so fair!
Forgive my rudeness, but I vow,
You were not quite divine till now!
Those limbs! that shape! and then those eyes!
O! close them, or the gazer dies!’
‘Nay, gentle Pug! for goodness hush;
I vow and swear you make me blush:
I shall be angry at this rate;
'Tis so like flattery, which I hate.’
The Fox, in deeper cunning vers'd,
The beauties of her mind rehears'd,
And talk'd of knowledge, taste, and sense,
To which the fair have vast pretence!
Yet well he knew them always vain
Of what they strive not to attain,
And play'd so cunningly his part
That Pug was rivall'd in his art.
The Goat avow'd his amorous flame,
And burnt—for whaThe durst not name;
Yet hop'd a meeting in the wood
Might make his meaning understood.
Half angry at the bold address,
She frown'd; but yet she must confess
Such beauties might inflame his blood;
But still his phrase was somewhat rude.
The Hog her neatness much admir'd,
The formal Ass her swiftness fir'd,
While all to feed her folly strove,
And by their praises shar'd her love.
The Horse, whose generous heart disdain'd
Applause by servile flattery gain'd,
With graceful courage silence broke,
And thus with indignation spoke:
‘When flattering Monkies fawn and prate,
They justly raise contempt or hate,
For merit is turn'd to ridicule,
Applauded by the grmning fool.
The artful Fox your wit commends,
To lure you to his selfish ends;
From the vile flatterer turn away,
For knaves make friendship to betray.
Dismiss the tram of fops and fools,
And learn to live by Wisdom's rules.
Such beauties might the lion warm,
Did not your folly break the charm;
For who would court that lovely shape,
To be the rival of an Ape?’
He said, and, snorting in disdain,
Spurn'd at the crowd, and sought the plain.
(So custom says) must truth forbear,
Must fawn and flatter, cringe and lie,
And raise the goddess to the sky;
For truth is hateful to her ear,
A rudeness which she cannot bear.
A rudeness! yes: I speak my thoughts;
For Truth upbraids her with her faults.
How wretched, Chloe! then am I,
Who love you, and yet cannot lie;
And, still to make you less my friend,
I strive your errors to amend!
But shall the senseless fop impart
The softest passion to your heart;
While he who tells you honest truth,
And points to happiness your youth,
Determines by his care his lot,
And lives neglected and forgot?
Trust me, my dear, with greater ease
Your taste for flattery I could please,
And similes in each dull line
Like glow-worms in the dark should shine.
What if I say your lips disclose
The freshness of the opening rose?
Or that your cheeks are beds of flow'rs,
Enripen'd by refreshing show'rs?
Yet certain as these flow'rs shall fade,
Time every beauty will invade.
The butterfly, of various hue,
More than the flow'r resembles you;
Fair, fluttering, fickle, busy things,
To pleasure ever on the wing,
Gaily coquetting for an hour,
To die and ne'er be thought of more!
Would you the bloom of youth should last?
'Tis virtue that must bind it fast—
An easy carriage, wholly free
From sour reserve or levity;
Good-natur'd mirth, an open heart,
And looks unskill'd in any art;
Humility enough to own
The frailties which a friend makes known;
And decent pride enough to know
The worth that virtue can bestow.
These are the charms which ne'er decay,
Though youth and beauty fade away;
And time, which all things else removes,
Still heightens virtue, and improves.
You'll frown, and ask to what intent
This blunt address to you is sent?
I'll spare the question, and confess
I'd praise you if I lov'd you less;
But rail, be angry, or complain,
I will be rude while you are vain.
Beneath a lion's peaceful reign,
When beasts met friendly on the plain,
A Panther of majestic port,
(The vainest female of the court)
With spotted skin and eyes of fire,
Fill'd every bosom with desire:
Where'er she mov'd, a servile crowd
Of fawning creatures cring'd and bow'd;
Assemblies every week she held,
(Like modern belles) with coxcombs fill'd,
Where noise, and nonsense, and grimace,
And lies and scandal, fill'd the place,
Behold the gay fantastic thing
Encircled by the spacious ring;
Low-bowing, with important look,
As first in rank, the Monkey spoke:
‘Gad take me, madam! but I swear
No angel ever look'd so fair!
Forgive my rudeness, but I vow,
You were not quite divine till now!
Those limbs! that shape! and then those eyes!
O! close them, or the gazer dies!’
‘Nay, gentle Pug! for goodness hush;
I vow and swear you make me blush:
I shall be angry at this rate;
'Tis so like flattery, which I hate.’
The Fox, in deeper cunning vers'd,
The beauties of her mind rehears'd,
And talk'd of knowledge, taste, and sense,
To which the fair have vast pretence!
Yet well he knew them always vain
Of what they strive not to attain,
And play'd so cunningly his part
That Pug was rivall'd in his art.
The Goat avow'd his amorous flame,
And burnt—for whaThe durst not name;
Yet hop'd a meeting in the wood
Might make his meaning understood.
Half angry at the bold address,
She frown'd; but yet she must confess
Such beauties might inflame his blood;
But still his phrase was somewhat rude.
The Hog her neatness much admir'd,
The formal Ass her swiftness fir'd,
While all to feed her folly strove,
And by their praises shar'd her love.
The Horse, whose generous heart disdain'd
Applause by servile flattery gain'd,
With graceful courage silence broke,
And thus with indignation spoke:
‘When flattering Monkies fawn and prate,
They justly raise contempt or hate,
For merit is turn'd to ridicule,
Applauded by the grmning fool.
The artful Fox your wit commends,
To lure you to his selfish ends;
From the vile flatterer turn away,
For knaves make friendship to betray.
Dismiss the tram of fops and fools,
And learn to live by Wisdom's rules.
Such beauties might the lion warm,
Did not your folly break the charm;
For who would court that lovely shape,
To be the rival of an Ape?’
He said, and, snorting in disdain,
Spurn'd at the crowd, and sought the plain.
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