Parable 37. The Disciples the Salt of the Earth
The Disciples the Salt of the Earth, &c.
Ye are the salt (the Prince of worth
So call'd his followers) of the earth;
But if that salt of savour fail,
What can the damage countervail?
It from that time ev'n to the end
Answers no purpose we intend:
But to the dust devolves, and then
Is trampled under foot by men.
You're to the world a light reveal'd
A city cannot be conceal'd,
That's built on a commanding site;
Nor do mere men a candle light
Beneath a bushel to convey,
But on a candlestick display,
And so of course its beams shine out
To all the family about.
Let your light shine before the face
Of men, that they your works may trace,
And, as their goodness they admire,
Give glory to your heav'nly Sire.
?The name of ev'ry thing express'd
By Christ was consequently bless'd;
Thence render'd better for its use,
Thence consecrated from abuse.
He therefore oft his proverb brings
From lowly life and common things,
That they (whom high-flow'n thoughts offend)
The vulgar might attention lend.
And, while their sov'reign source they seek,
Wit, learning, genius, might be meek.
The Disciples the Salt of the Earth, &c.
Ye are the salt (the Prince of worth
So call'd his followers) of the earth;
But if that salt of savour fail,
What can the damage countervail?
It from that time ev'n to the end
Answers no purpose we intend:
But to the dust devolves, and then
Is trampled under foot by men.
You're to the world a light reveal'd
A city cannot be conceal'd,
That's built on a commanding site;
Nor do mere men a candle light
Beneath a bushel to convey,
But on a candlestick display,
And so of course its beams shine out
To all the family about.
Let your light shine before the face
Of men, that they your works may trace,
And, as their goodness they admire,
Give glory to your heav'nly Sire.
?The name of ev'ry thing express'd
By Christ was consequently bless'd;
Thence render'd better for its use,
Thence consecrated from abuse.
He therefore oft his proverb brings
From lowly life and common things,
That they (whom high-flow'n thoughts offend)
The vulgar might attention lend.
And, while their sov'reign source they seek,
Wit, learning, genius, might be meek.
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