Paraphrase on the Psalms of David - Psalm 116
My soul entirely shall affect
The Lord, Whose ears my groans respect.
In misery
He heard thy cry;
To Him thy pray'rs direct.
Sorrows of death my soul assail'd,
The greedy jaws of hell prevail'd;
Depress'd with grief,
When all relief
And human pity fail'd,
I cried: My God, O look on me,
Thou ever just th' afflicted free:
O from the grave
Thy servant save;
For mercy lives in Thee.
The innocent, and long distrest,
The humble mind by wrongs opprest,
Thy favour still
Preserves from ill:
My soul, then, take thy rest.
God stay'd my feet and dried my tears,
Redeem'd from death and deadly fears;
That still I might
Walk in His sight,
And number many years.
Thus with a firm belief I pray'd:
Yet in extremes of trouble said: —
All on the earth
Of mortal birth,
Ev'n all of lies are made.
What shall I unto God restore
For all His mercies? Fall before
His holy throne,
And Him alone
With sacred rites adore.
I will perform my vows this day,
Where they frequent who God obey.
Right precious is
The death of His:
He sees, and will repay.
Lord, I am Thine, Thy hand-maid's seed;
By Thee from raging tyrants freed.
My praise shall rise
In sacrifice;
My thanks Thy altar feed.
I will perform my vows this day,
Where they frequent who God obey;
Ev'n in his court,
Within thy fort,
Renowned Solyma.
The Lord, Whose ears my groans respect.
In misery
He heard thy cry;
To Him thy pray'rs direct.
Sorrows of death my soul assail'd,
The greedy jaws of hell prevail'd;
Depress'd with grief,
When all relief
And human pity fail'd,
I cried: My God, O look on me,
Thou ever just th' afflicted free:
O from the grave
Thy servant save;
For mercy lives in Thee.
The innocent, and long distrest,
The humble mind by wrongs opprest,
Thy favour still
Preserves from ill:
My soul, then, take thy rest.
God stay'd my feet and dried my tears,
Redeem'd from death and deadly fears;
That still I might
Walk in His sight,
And number many years.
Thus with a firm belief I pray'd:
Yet in extremes of trouble said: —
All on the earth
Of mortal birth,
Ev'n all of lies are made.
What shall I unto God restore
For all His mercies? Fall before
His holy throne,
And Him alone
With sacred rites adore.
I will perform my vows this day,
Where they frequent who God obey.
Right precious is
The death of His:
He sees, and will repay.
Lord, I am Thine, Thy hand-maid's seed;
By Thee from raging tyrants freed.
My praise shall rise
In sacrifice;
My thanks Thy altar feed.
I will perform my vows this day,
Where they frequent who God obey;
Ev'n in his court,
Within thy fort,
Renowned Solyma.
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