Paraphrase on the Psalms of David - Psalm 34
The Lord I will for ever bless,
My tongue His praises shall profess,
In Him my soul shall boast;
The meek shall hear the same and joy;
His name with me, O magnify;
Extol the Lord of Hosts.
My pray'rs ascending pierc'd His ear,
Who snatch'd me from those storms of fear.
The meek who God expect,
Who flow to Him like living brooks,
Shame never shall distain their looks,
Nor with foul guilt infect.
This wretch in his adversity
(Then men shall say) to God did cry,
Whose mercy him secur'd.
The angels of Jehovah those
Who fear Him with their tents enclose,
By strength Divine immur'd.
How good our God, O taste and see!
Who trust in Him thrice happy be;
You saints, O fear Him still;
Such feel no want; the lions roar
For hunger, but who God implore,
He shall with plenty fill.
Come, children, with attention hear,
I will instruct you in His fear.
What man delights in life?
Seeks to live happily and long?
From evil guard thy wary tongue,
Thy lips from fraud and strife,
Do good, and wicked deeds eschew;
Seek sacred peace, her steps pursue.
God's eyes are on the just,
Their cries His open ear attends,
But on the bad His wrath descends,
Their names reduc'd to dust.
He hears the righteous and their cry,
Preserv'd in their adversity;
A broken heart affects,
And souls contrite which in Him trust.
Great are th' afflictions of the just,
But He in all protects;
Keeps ev'ry bone of theirs entire,
The wicked swallows in His ire,
And who the righteous hate.
The Lord His servants shall redeem,
Those ever dear in His esteem,
Who on His promise wait.
My tongue His praises shall profess,
In Him my soul shall boast;
The meek shall hear the same and joy;
His name with me, O magnify;
Extol the Lord of Hosts.
My pray'rs ascending pierc'd His ear,
Who snatch'd me from those storms of fear.
The meek who God expect,
Who flow to Him like living brooks,
Shame never shall distain their looks,
Nor with foul guilt infect.
This wretch in his adversity
(Then men shall say) to God did cry,
Whose mercy him secur'd.
The angels of Jehovah those
Who fear Him with their tents enclose,
By strength Divine immur'd.
How good our God, O taste and see!
Who trust in Him thrice happy be;
You saints, O fear Him still;
Such feel no want; the lions roar
For hunger, but who God implore,
He shall with plenty fill.
Come, children, with attention hear,
I will instruct you in His fear.
What man delights in life?
Seeks to live happily and long?
From evil guard thy wary tongue,
Thy lips from fraud and strife,
Do good, and wicked deeds eschew;
Seek sacred peace, her steps pursue.
God's eyes are on the just,
Their cries His open ear attends,
But on the bad His wrath descends,
Their names reduc'd to dust.
He hears the righteous and their cry,
Preserv'd in their adversity;
A broken heart affects,
And souls contrite which in Him trust.
Great are th' afflictions of the just,
But He in all protects;
Keeps ev'ry bone of theirs entire,
The wicked swallows in His ire,
And who the righteous hate.
The Lord His servants shall redeem,
Those ever dear in His esteem,
Who on His promise wait.
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