Parthenophil and Parthenophe - 5
Parthenophe see what is sent:
By me (faire Nymphe) these saints salute thee,
Whose presentes in this basket heare
Faithfull Parthenophill doth beare,
Nor will I proue ingrate, nor mute bee.
If my power were,
Such giftes as these
(If they would please)
Here willingely I would present.
And these those presents present bee:
First Iuno sent to thee these lillyes ,
In whose steede chast affection moues
Venus hath sent two Turtle doues,
Narcissus giues the Daffadillyes :
For doues true loues:
For Daffadilles
My golden willes:
Which counteruailes, what here is sent thee.
Flora doth greete thee with sweet Roses ,
Thetis with rich pearle Oriente;
Leucothoe with franckincense:
For Roses , my loues chast pretence:
For pearles, those teares which I haue spent:
My sighes incense,
For sweet perfume:
Thus I presume
Poore shepheard, to presente these poasies.
Though I be rude (as shepheards are)
Lillyes I know, do stand for whitnesse:
And Daffadilles thy golden heare:
And doues thy meekenesse figures beare:
Red Roses for a blushing brightnesse,
Thy teeth pearles were,
That incense shoed
Thy breathe that bloed
A sacrifice, for which goddes care.
Blest is that shepheard nine times nine
Which shall in bosome these flowers keepe,
Bound in one posie whose sweet smell
In paradise may make him dwell
And sleepe a tentimes happie sleepe:
I dare not mell,
Else with good will
Would to thy lippes one kisse assigne.
By me (faire Nymphe) these saints salute thee,
Whose presentes in this basket heare
Faithfull Parthenophill doth beare,
Nor will I proue ingrate, nor mute bee.
If my power were,
Such giftes as these
(If they would please)
Here willingely I would present.
And these those presents present bee:
First Iuno sent to thee these lillyes ,
In whose steede chast affection moues
Venus hath sent two Turtle doues,
Narcissus giues the Daffadillyes :
For doues true loues:
For Daffadilles
My golden willes:
Which counteruailes, what here is sent thee.
Flora doth greete thee with sweet Roses ,
Thetis with rich pearle Oriente;
Leucothoe with franckincense:
For Roses , my loues chast pretence:
For pearles, those teares which I haue spent:
My sighes incense,
For sweet perfume:
Thus I presume
Poore shepheard, to presente these poasies.
Though I be rude (as shepheards are)
Lillyes I know, do stand for whitnesse:
And Daffadilles thy golden heare:
And doues thy meekenesse figures beare:
Red Roses for a blushing brightnesse,
Thy teeth pearles were,
That incense shoed
Thy breathe that bloed
A sacrifice, for which goddes care.
Blest is that shepheard nine times nine
Which shall in bosome these flowers keepe,
Bound in one posie whose sweet smell
In paradise may make him dwell
And sleepe a tentimes happie sleepe:
I dare not mell,
Else with good will
Would to thy lippes one kisse assigne.
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