Parthenophil and Parthenophe - 89
What be those heares dyed like the marrigold?
Echo , gold
What is that brow whose frownes make any mone?
Echo , anymone
What were her eyes when the great Lordes controllde?
Echo , roll'de
What be they when from them be loues throwne?
Echo , loues throane
What were her cheekes (when blushes rose) like?
Echo , roselike
What are those lippes which boue perles rew bee?
Echo , rewbee
Her Iuorie shoulders what be those like?
Echo , those like
What saintes are like her speake if you bee?
Echo , few bee
Thou dwellst in rockes hart like somewhat then?
Echo , what then?
And rockes dwell in her hart, is tis true?
Echo , tis true
Whom she loues best, know this cannot men?
Echo , not men
Passe him she loathes, then I dismisse you?
Echo , misse you
What sexe to whom men sewe so vayne much?
Echo , vayne much
Furies there fiers, and I complaine such?
Echo , plaine such.
Echo , gold
What is that brow whose frownes make any mone?
Echo , anymone
What were her eyes when the great Lordes controllde?
Echo , roll'de
What be they when from them be loues throwne?
Echo , loues throane
What were her cheekes (when blushes rose) like?
Echo , roselike
What are those lippes which boue perles rew bee?
Echo , rewbee
Her Iuorie shoulders what be those like?
Echo , those like
What saintes are like her speake if you bee?
Echo , few bee
Thou dwellst in rockes hart like somewhat then?
Echo , what then?
And rockes dwell in her hart, is tis true?
Echo , tis true
Whom she loues best, know this cannot men?
Echo , not men
Passe him she loathes, then I dismisse you?
Echo , misse you
What sexe to whom men sewe so vayne much?
Echo , vayne much
Furies there fiers, and I complaine such?
Echo , plaine such.
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