Parting; to Stella

Since we must part, since you my Doom impose,
You! sole Inspirer of my Joys and Woes;
Since 'tis resolv'd — — O loveliest of thy Kind!
Let my last Plaints thy soft Attention find.

Well wert thou priz'd, too fatally severe!
From Choice I lov'd thee , with a Flame sincere ,
Press'd thee with tend'rest Vows, but ah! in vain;
Thy cool Denials but increas'd my Pain.
Yet, mighty Love! the sweetest, softest Grace
Smiles in each Feature of that heavenly Face.
That Mien so gentle, and those Looks so mild,
My Heart with too, too forward Hopes beguil'd.'

How, of thy sweet Society possess'd,
Were my Retirements with thy Presence bless'd!
Whole happy Days we oft conversing pass'd,
Whole guiltless Nights those Joys were us'd to last.
My Thoughts recal the Scenes of late Delight,
Where the still Garden did our Walk invite,
Hid round with Walls that venerably rise,
And guard the sweet Recess from gazing Eyes;
'Twas there, from ev'ry Ear but thine apart,
I breath'd the Secrets of my faithful Heart;
While thro' its Shades we pleas'd were wont to rove,
Or by thy Side I press'd the rais'd Alcove ;
My tortur'd Fancy all its Scenes employ,
And Mem'ry kills me with th' ideal Joy :
Why wakes the Image to my hopeless Mind?
Let me forget that Stella e'er was kind!

Yet ere thy Exile , sentenc'd far to roam,
Quits thy lov'd Charms my Heart's delightful Home,
Ere I shall view no more that Face divine,
Nor those dear Eyes behold, — the Light of mine;
Once let my Sight on the sweet Objects dwell,
Once let me whisp'ring breathe a sad Farewell ;
Fold that soft Waist , which oft I blest have twin'd,
Press those warm Lips , so oft with Transport join'd,
While in faint Murmurs, in convulsive Starts,
Thy poor, lost Wand'rer his Distress imparts,
The Love thy Rigour still deny'd to bless,
The Pangs thy Heart refuses to redress;
Ere my wild Words shall lose thy distant Ear ,
E're thy least Glimpse shall to my Eyes appear,
While their dim Orbs the dying Mists bedew,
Take my last Sigh , that parts with Life , in You .
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