The Passing Of Tennyson
My kingly kinsmen, kings of thought,
I hear your gathered symphonies,
Such nights as when the world is not,
And great stars chorus through my trees.
. . . . . . . . . . .
We knew it, as God's prophets knew,
We knew it, as mute red men know,
When Mars leapt searching heaven through
With flaming torch, that he must go.
Then Browning, he who knew the stars,
Stood forth and faced insatiate Mars.
Then up from Cambridge rose and turned
Sweet Lowell from his Druid trees —
Turned where the great star blazed and burned,
As if his own soul might appease.
Yet on and on through all the stars
Still searched and searched insatiate Mars.
Then stanch Walt Whitman saw and knew;
Forgetful of his " Leaves of Grass, "
He heard his " Drum Taps " and God drew
His great soul through the shining pass,
Made light, made bright by burnished stars;
Made scintillant from flaming Mars.
Then soft-voiced Whittier was heard
To cease; was heard to sing no more,
As you have heard some sweetest bird
The more because its song is o'er.
Yet brighter up the street of stars
Still blazed and burned and beckoned Mars.
. . . . . . . . . .
And then the king came; king of thought,
King David with his harp and crown. ...
How wisely well the gods had wrought
That these had gone and sat them down
To wait and welcome 'mid the stars
All silent in the light of Mars.
All silent ... So, he lies in state.
Our redwoods drip and drip with rain.
Against our rock-locked Golden Gate
We hear the great, sad, sobbing main.
But silent all ... He passed the stars
That year the whole world turned to Mars.
I hear your gathered symphonies,
Such nights as when the world is not,
And great stars chorus through my trees.
. . . . . . . . . . .
We knew it, as God's prophets knew,
We knew it, as mute red men know,
When Mars leapt searching heaven through
With flaming torch, that he must go.
Then Browning, he who knew the stars,
Stood forth and faced insatiate Mars.
Then up from Cambridge rose and turned
Sweet Lowell from his Druid trees —
Turned where the great star blazed and burned,
As if his own soul might appease.
Yet on and on through all the stars
Still searched and searched insatiate Mars.
Then stanch Walt Whitman saw and knew;
Forgetful of his " Leaves of Grass, "
He heard his " Drum Taps " and God drew
His great soul through the shining pass,
Made light, made bright by burnished stars;
Made scintillant from flaming Mars.
Then soft-voiced Whittier was heard
To cease; was heard to sing no more,
As you have heard some sweetest bird
The more because its song is o'er.
Yet brighter up the street of stars
Still blazed and burned and beckoned Mars.
. . . . . . . . . .
And then the king came; king of thought,
King David with his harp and crown. ...
How wisely well the gods had wrought
That these had gone and sat them down
To wait and welcome 'mid the stars
All silent in the light of Mars.
All silent ... So, he lies in state.
Our redwoods drip and drip with rain.
Against our rock-locked Golden Gate
We hear the great, sad, sobbing main.
But silent all ... He passed the stars
That year the whole world turned to Mars.
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