A Passionate Sonett made by the Kinge of Scots

A passionate Sonett made by the Kinge of Scots uppon difficulties ariseing to crosse his proceedinge in love & marriage with his moste worthie to be esteemed Queene
In sunny beames the skye dothe shewe her sweete
And with her flowers the earthe perfumes the nire
Amid the mountaynes doe the muses meete
And in the fountaynes make the fowle their faire
But all my skye with cares is overclouded
And weedes for flowers my blasted garden bringes
In mazes are my muses ever shrowded
And to my fountaynes sorrowes are the Springes
Woe to the darke where Love did loose his seeinge
Bare be the earthe that bringes me nought but weedes
Madd be the muse where mazes have their beinge
Curste be the Sea that of my sorrowe feedes
But shine sunne, growe flowers, singe muse and springe faire fountaynes,
Or be no more Sea, Skye, Earthe, muse nor mountaynes.
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