Judas to Caiaphas,
The Elders, and the Priests:
" I, heir of him who sold the Man
Whose voice disturb'd your feasts,
My thirty pieces duly gained,
The Cross and Sword upraise,
And claim, for triumph thus attained,
The Patriot's palm and bays!
" Who is the Patriot? He
Who, swift and keen to slay,
Spieth the helpless quarry out
For home-bred birds of prey;
Who heeds not hearts that ache and break,
But peers from sea to sea,
And ever, for his Country's sake,
Points Christ to Calvary!
" The black Christs and the white,
Lo, how they shriek and die,
While the great conquering Flag floats on
And merry hosts go by!
I price in our imperial Mart
Their land, their gold, their lives —
Ho, Priests, who heeds the broken heart,
So that the Market thrives?
" Who is the Patriot? He
Who strideth, sword in hand,
To reap the fields he never sowed,
For his own Fatherland!
Who, sweeping human rights aside,
Sets up the cross-shaped Tree,
And while the Christ is crucified,
Bids all the Thieves go free!
" This for a sign I speak —
Heed it and understand —
Who loves his neighbour as himself
Loves, too, his neighbour's land!
His neighbour's land, his wives, his gold,
All the good thief may seize,
And he's a Patriot twentyfold
Who garners all of these!
" All, for his Country's sake,
His God, his Lord, his Home,
Ev'n so the Roman stalk'd abroad
And claimed the world for Rome,
Ev'n so the patriot Nations still
In emulation toil,
Confront each other, shrieking shrill,
And hungering for the spoil!
" Remember how the Patriot's fire
Swept Europe west to east,
While on its trail devouring ran
The many-headed Beast;
Till dawn'd at last the glorious morn
When all the Earth was priced
By Patriotism's latest-born,
The Imperial Antichrist!
" Hark! still the Patriot's cry
Yonder in France is heard —
She slew her Kings, she found for men
The blood-compelling Word:
Arm'd to the teeth still croucheth she,
Waketh, and sleepeth not —
" Allons, enfants de la Patrie —
To cut our neighbour's throat! "
" Lo, how the same grand dream
Of God and Fatherland
Fills the brave Teuton's warrior-soul
And arms his mailed hand;
Beast-like for battle he prepares,
Bow'd down with helm and glaive, —
How proudly he, the Patriot, wears
The livery of the Slave!"
Judas to Caiaphas,
The Elders, and the Priests:
" I, heir of him who sold the Man
Whose voice disturb'd your feasts,
Did ye, my brethren of the Blood,
March on from sea to sea,
Nor heed, 'mid Conquest's roaring flood.
The cries from Calvary!
" Patriots ye were and are,
Yours is the Patriot's crown;
The Patriot is the strong man, he
Who strikes the weak man down!
Onward with Cross and Sword, still race
With all the world for prey, —
I price, in this your market-place,
The robes of Him ye slay!"
Judas to Caiaphas,
The Elders, and the Priests:
" I, heir of him who sold the Man
Whose voice disturb'd your feasts,
My thirty pieces duly gained,
The Cross and Sword upraise,
And claim, for triumph thus attained,
The Patriot's palm and bays!
" Who is the Patriot? He
Who, swift and keen to slay,
Spieth the helpless quarry out
For home-bred birds of prey;
Who heeds not hearts that ache and break,
But peers from sea to sea,
And ever, for his Country's sake,
Points Christ to Calvary!
" The black Christs and the white,
Lo, how they shriek and die,
While the great conquering Flag floats on
And merry hosts go by!
I price in our imperial Mart
Their land, their gold, their lives —
Ho, Priests, who heeds the broken heart,
So that the Market thrives?
" Who is the Patriot? He
Who strideth, sword in hand,
To reap the fields he never sowed,
For his own Fatherland!
Who, sweeping human rights aside,
Sets up the cross-shaped Tree,
And while the Christ is crucified,
Bids all the Thieves go free!
" This for a sign I speak —
Heed it and understand —
Who loves his neighbour as himself
Loves, too, his neighbour's land!
His neighbour's land, his wives, his gold,
All the good thief may seize,
And he's a Patriot twentyfold
Who garners all of these!
" All, for his Country's sake,
His God, his Lord, his Home,
Ev'n so the Roman stalk'd abroad
And claimed the world for Rome,
Ev'n so the patriot Nations still
In emulation toil,
Confront each other, shrieking shrill,
And hungering for the spoil!
" Remember how the Patriot's fire
Swept Europe west to east,
While on its trail devouring ran
The many-headed Beast;
Till dawn'd at last the glorious morn
When all the Earth was priced
By Patriotism's latest-born,
The Imperial Antichrist!
" Hark! still the Patriot's cry
Yonder in France is heard —
She slew her Kings, she found for men
The blood-compelling Word:
Arm'd to the teeth still croucheth she,
Waketh, and sleepeth not —
" Allons, enfants de la Patrie —
To cut our neighbour's throat! "
" Lo, how the same grand dream
Of God and Fatherland
Fills the brave Teuton's warrior-soul
And arms his mailed hand;
Beast-like for battle he prepares,
Bow'd down with helm and glaive, —
How proudly he, the Patriot, wears
The livery of the Slave!"
Judas to Caiaphas,
The Elders, and the Priests:
" I, heir of him who sold the Man
Whose voice disturb'd your feasts,
Did ye, my brethren of the Blood,
March on from sea to sea,
Nor heed, 'mid Conquest's roaring flood.
The cries from Calvary!
" Patriots ye were and are,
Yours is the Patriot's crown;
The Patriot is the strong man, he
Who strikes the weak man down!
Onward with Cross and Sword, still race
With all the world for prey, —
I price, in this your market-place,
The robes of Him ye slay!"
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