Paul Jones


Our forty-gun frigate from Baltimore came,
Her guns mounted forty, the Richard by name,
Went cruising the channel of old England land,
With a noble commander, Paul Jones was the man.
Hurrah! our country forever, hurrah!


We had not sailed long before we espied
A large forty-four and a twenty close by;
Those warships vessels full laden in store,
Our captain pursued them on bold Europe's shore.
Hurrah! etc.


At the hour of twelve Pierce he came alongside;
With a loud speaking trupet, " Whence come you? " I cried;
" Quick, give me an answer, I've hailed you before,
Or at this very instant a broadside I'll pour. "
Hurrah! etc.


When the broadside was sent by those brave Englishmen,
Like bold buckskin heroes we returned it again.
Hurrah! etc.


We fought them five glasses, five glasses so hot,
Till sixty bold seamen lie dead on the spot
And seventy more lie bleeding in gore
How fierce our loud cannons on the Richard did roar.
Hurrah! etc.


Our gunner got frightened and to Paul Jones he came:
Our ship is a-sinking, likewise in a flame;
Paul Jones he smiled in the height of his pride,
Saying, " This day I'll conquer or sink alongside. "
Hurrah! etc.
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