Peace, Not a Sword


Peace, not a Sword! She claims to-day
The crown by Freedom wrought, —
Victorious Peace, with power to sway
Free Life, free Speech, free Thought;
The Lord who gave the blind Seer sight
Hath led us up and on,
And lo! our Milton's dream of Light
Fulfil'd, at Washington!


In this great hour of righteous pride,
Be hush'd, ye Voices vain,
Which still invite the Crucified
To join the feasts of Cain;
Not by the hypocrite's despair
Shall Love's last gift be priced,
Nay! Cain is Cain, although he wear
The livery of the Christ!


Now, while ye greet your Jingo-god,
Hounds of the mart and street,
We close the bloody winepress, trod
By fratricidal feet!
The strife which savage priests have sung
A thousand years shall cease,
For Glory's banner shall be hung
In the great Halls of Peace.


Despair not, Men, though Time should bring
But part of all ye crave:
Did not the cry of Hampden ring
As far as Lincoln's grave?
The voice which saith, " No brother's hand
May shed a brother's blood,"
Shall grow till men in every land
Are one vast Brotherhood!


Lo, now the seed by martyrs sown
Springs up, a goodly tree,
Let every Despot on his throne
Take heed, from sea to sea!
For he who still invokes the Sword
Shall by that same Sword fall,
While he whom Wisdom's Voice and Word
Redeem, must conquer all!


Ring out, glad bells! now night hath fled,
The rose of Dawn shall bloom!
The Light that halo'd Whitman's head
Shines back on Shelley's tomb!
Under the bloodless Flag we stand
Which martyr-bards unfurl'd,
Heart link'd to heart, hand join'd to hand,
The Freedmen of the World!
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