Pearl - Part 70
“In Jerusalem thus my Truelove sweet
twice was taken there as lamb,
by record true of prophets twain,
so meek His mood and all His mien.
The third time well befits thereto,
as written in Apocalypse.
Amidst the Throne, where sat the Saints,
the Apostle John Him clearly saw,
opening the Book with pages square,
with seven seals set forth thereon;
and at that sight the doughty quaked,
in Hell, in Earth, and Jerusalem.
twice was taken there as lamb,
by record true of prophets twain,
so meek His mood and all His mien.
The third time well befits thereto,
as written in Apocalypse.
Amidst the Throne, where sat the Saints,
the Apostle John Him clearly saw,
opening the Book with pages square,
with seven seals set forth thereon;
and at that sight the doughty quaked,
in Hell, in Earth, and Jerusalem.
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