The Petition of Truth

To the beauteous resort of the Muses and Fame,
A fair and a gentle petitioner came;
Her beautiful ringlets disorderly flow'd,
And a blush on her cheek most indignantly glow'd:
That eye, whose refulgence once all things might cheer,
Was robb'd of its lustre, and dim'd with a tear;
Yet the radiance of Beauty was mingled with Youth,
And her mirror of chrystal declar'd she was Truth!
" Impatient of wrongs, and reduc'd to distress,
" Behold me! " she cries, " I am come for redress:
" I come, the most injur'd, in anguish and grief,
" And the cause of my sorrow must grant me " relief.
" On Genius and Gratitude both are my claim,
" My hand was the first which disclos'd them to " Fame!
" Ah, sure then, combin'd, they shou'd grant me " my due —
" Not hide me in darkness for ever from view!
" Is my form so ungraceful, my air so uncouth,
" That the patron of Beauty shou'd wander from " Truth?
" And Falshood, that imp, must be cherish'd with " care,
" While my charms are exhausted with grief and " despair.
" She's a monster not ev'n his art can adorn,
" Whilst he leaves me to die, in Oblivion forlorn.
" Oh, false and unkind! — canst thou hear me " complain,
" And gaze on my aspect, which courts thee in " vain?
" That aspect once charm'd thee, (if words are " sincere,)
" Thy pleasing encomiums still dwell on the ear;
" With raptures exulting, thy strains have I known,
" And claim'd the sweet numbers, almost as my " own.
" Oh! hadst thou been faithful! this hand, ev'n, " now,
" Had form'd the gay wreath which encircles thy " brow.
" But alas, I'm betray'd! O distraction to see!
" By Genius traduc'd, and forsaken by thee!
" When Folly or Dulness shall make the attempt,
" My soul can regard them with silent contempt:
" But know, when a friend shall envenom the " dart,
" It transfixes my soul, and it pierces my heart;
" And 'tis only the hand which bestow'd the " offence,
" With gen'rous atonement, can pluck it from " thence. "
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