Philosophic Devotion.

WITH Rapture wing'd, my eager Soul
Thro' Thy unbounded Empire roves,
Great Author of this Glorious All !
And lost in Wonder, still approves.

Thy Works with Pleasure and Surprize
O'erwhelm this weak enquiring Mind;
Wonders in long Succession rise,
Yet more and greater lie behind.

Fixt in Astonishment, my Eyes,
Intense, attempt the vast Survey;
But Glories too transparent rise,
And dim them with excessive Day.

The Rays of Wisdom, Goodness, Pow'r,
So sweetly blend and brightly shine,
My Soul, o'ercome, can but adore,
And own the Workmanship Divine.

Struck with the Sight, I shrink away,
Conscious how weak and blind I am:
Despair to finish the Survey,
And silent dread Thy awful Name.

Mean tho' I am, (not wholly so,
Since wisely fram'd by Skill Divine)
Permit me at Thy Throne to bow,
While round me all Thy Glories shine.
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