The Photographer
“My master,” said the Gipsy man,
“Is your prettygraph in your book?
You ought to have seen it when mine was drawn,
So that not a thing was mistook.
“The fellow who took my landscape perfessed
He'd make it the best in town;
‘Wery well,’ says I, ‘if you don't, I'm blessed
If I gives you a single brown!’
“Now, I says to myself, ‘On my leather tights
A dozen of buttons is sewn:
A dozen he ought to give by rights,
Hexceptin' the one as is gone.’
“But when that landskip was done so fair,
I tell you, it took me down;
For every one o' them buttons was there,
Hexceptin' the one as was gone.
“So I 'olds that chap is a hono rable chap,
As hever on earth I see;
An when any one wants a prettygraph done,
I sends 'em along to he.”
“Is your prettygraph in your book?
You ought to have seen it when mine was drawn,
So that not a thing was mistook.
“The fellow who took my landscape perfessed
He'd make it the best in town;
‘Wery well,’ says I, ‘if you don't, I'm blessed
If I gives you a single brown!’
“Now, I says to myself, ‘On my leather tights
A dozen of buttons is sewn:
A dozen he ought to give by rights,
Hexceptin' the one as is gone.’
“But when that landskip was done so fair,
I tell you, it took me down;
For every one o' them buttons was there,
Hexceptin' the one as was gone.
“So I 'olds that chap is a hono rable chap,
As hever on earth I see;
An when any one wants a prettygraph done,
I sends 'em along to he.”
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