M Y way lay east and north,
The road seemed hard to me;
From Eden driven forth,
I toiled toward Calvary.
The night hung deep around,
There was no moon or star;
A short way some have found,
I found the journey far.
Yet there at last I came,And saw Christ on the tree:
His wounds were rosy flame,
And His eyes were kind to me.
I thought to rest me there,
And yet my hope was vain;
Another night I dare,
And journey on again.
Yea, I must onward still,
So far the goal I seek;
And when I climb the hill,
Behold, a mountain peak:
But in the night, afar
Two beacons lighten me:
Ahead, the Morning Star,
Behind me, Calvary.
M Y way lay east and north,
The road seemed hard to me;
From Eden driven forth,
I toiled toward Calvary.
The night hung deep around,
There was no moon or star;
A short way some have found,
I found the journey far.
Yet there at last I came,And saw Christ on the tree:
His wounds were rosy flame,
And His eyes were kind to me.
I thought to rest me there,
And yet my hope was vain;
Another night I dare,
And journey on again.
Yea, I must onward still,
So far the goal I seek;
And when I climb the hill,
Behold, a mountain peak:
But in the night, afar
Two beacons lighten me:
Ahead, the Morning Star,
Behind me, Calvary.
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