The Piper and the Chiming Peas
There was a little piper man
As merry as you please,
Who heard one day the sweet-pea blossoms
Chiming in the breeze.
He murmured with a courtly grace
That set them quite at ease,—
“I never knew that you had such
Accomplishments as these!
“If I should pipe until you're ripe
I think that by degrees
You might become as wise as I
And chime in Wagnerese!”
“Oh, no, kind Sir! That could not be!”
Replied the modest peas.
“We only play such simple airs
As suit the bumble-bees.”
As merry as you please,
Who heard one day the sweet-pea blossoms
Chiming in the breeze.
He murmured with a courtly grace
That set them quite at ease,—
“I never knew that you had such
Accomplishments as these!
“If I should pipe until you're ripe
I think that by degrees
You might become as wise as I
And chime in Wagnerese!”
“Oh, no, kind Sir! That could not be!”
Replied the modest peas.
“We only play such simple airs
As suit the bumble-bees.”
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