Plaid Amang the Hether

The wind blew hie owre muir and lea,
And dark and stormy grew the weather;
The rain rained sair; nae shelter near,
But my luve's plaid among the hether:
O my bonnie Highland lad!
My winsome, weel-far'd, Highland laddie!
Wha wad wind the wind and weit
Sae weel rowed in his tartan plaidie?

Close to his breast he held me fast;
Sae cozy, warm, we lay thegither!
Nae simmer heat was half sae sweet
As my luve's plaid amang the hether!
O my bonnie, &c.

Mid wind and rain he tald his tale;
My lightsome heart grew like a feather;
It lap sae quick I coudna speak,
But silent sighed amang the hether!
O my bonnie, &c.

The storm blew past; we kissed in haste;
I hameward ran, and tald my mither;
She gloomed at first, but soon confessed
The bowls rowed right amang the hether!
O my bonnie, &c.

Now Hymen's beam gilds bank and stream,
Whar Will and I fresh flowers will gather;
Nae storms I fear, I've got my dear,
Kind-hearted lad amang the hether!
O my bonnie Highland lad!
My winsome, weel-far'd, Highland laddie!
Should storms appear, my Will's aye near
To row me in his tartan plaidie.
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