To Play the Fool in General, is To Be Wise in Particular
Since but by Custom, not by Reason, all
Is done, which Just, Wise, Reas'nable, we call,
Then Practice, Pow'r, not Justice, or True Sense,
Our Actions, Notions, Lives, must influence;
Since New Conceits, Old Practices explode,
Knowledge itself, must be then Alamode;
Experience must for Antic Nonsense go,
And Novelty the True Wit's Study grow,
Who, but his Parts, and Reason, best to show,
Try'd Truths for New Conjectures, must forsake,
Must Truth from Fancy, not Experience take,
From his Sense, not Example, Act, Think, Speak;
As Thoughts, Tongues, Stiles, change with their Ages, so
Must Reason, Fancy, Wit, and Judgment too;
Since, by the Major Vote, not Greater Sense,
By Reason not, or Good Intelligence;
But Bought Experience, all Things here, must pass,
The Wit, who scorns Examples, proves an Ass;
For, since Dull Custom is too hard for Wit,
He shows most Sense, who least depends on it;
So none now, Fops for Want of Sense appear,
Made, as most of their Fellow-Creatures are;
The Wits, most Fools are, as most Singular,
Who, to their Sense, against the World's, adhere;
Since Men, by Numbers, not by Reason vote,
They must tell Noses, not Examples quote;
By Reason, not determine what is what,
By Rules dispute, Form'd Arguments debate,
But thinks, he thinks best, who the most does Prate;
Who Talks not the most Reason, but most Loud,
Since most Noise, not most Sense 'tis, leads the Crowd;
So he, who truly has more Sense or Wit,
(Since it makes Foes) is shie of showing it;
Who not, like Wits, the Populace defies,
But to be Popular, with it complies,
So, making one of many Fools, is Wise;
And proves to Knaves, or Fools, but more his Sense,
As less he shows it, to give more Offence,
By which, Good Sense wou'd prove Impertinence;
To make his Foes more, than they were before,
Friends Trust him less, but as his Wit is more;
More Folly, but by more Wit, so to show,
Since for most Fools, the most Wise ought to go,
When they have most mind to make others so;
As Rooks at Play, conceal their Art, or Skill,
Their Ends, best on their Cullies, to fulfil.
Is done, which Just, Wise, Reas'nable, we call,
Then Practice, Pow'r, not Justice, or True Sense,
Our Actions, Notions, Lives, must influence;
Since New Conceits, Old Practices explode,
Knowledge itself, must be then Alamode;
Experience must for Antic Nonsense go,
And Novelty the True Wit's Study grow,
Who, but his Parts, and Reason, best to show,
Try'd Truths for New Conjectures, must forsake,
Must Truth from Fancy, not Experience take,
From his Sense, not Example, Act, Think, Speak;
As Thoughts, Tongues, Stiles, change with their Ages, so
Must Reason, Fancy, Wit, and Judgment too;
Since, by the Major Vote, not Greater Sense,
By Reason not, or Good Intelligence;
But Bought Experience, all Things here, must pass,
The Wit, who scorns Examples, proves an Ass;
For, since Dull Custom is too hard for Wit,
He shows most Sense, who least depends on it;
So none now, Fops for Want of Sense appear,
Made, as most of their Fellow-Creatures are;
The Wits, most Fools are, as most Singular,
Who, to their Sense, against the World's, adhere;
Since Men, by Numbers, not by Reason vote,
They must tell Noses, not Examples quote;
By Reason, not determine what is what,
By Rules dispute, Form'd Arguments debate,
But thinks, he thinks best, who the most does Prate;
Who Talks not the most Reason, but most Loud,
Since most Noise, not most Sense 'tis, leads the Crowd;
So he, who truly has more Sense or Wit,
(Since it makes Foes) is shie of showing it;
Who not, like Wits, the Populace defies,
But to be Popular, with it complies,
So, making one of many Fools, is Wise;
And proves to Knaves, or Fools, but more his Sense,
As less he shows it, to give more Offence,
By which, Good Sense wou'd prove Impertinence;
To make his Foes more, than they were before,
Friends Trust him less, but as his Wit is more;
More Folly, but by more Wit, so to show,
Since for most Fools, the most Wise ought to go,
When they have most mind to make others so;
As Rooks at Play, conceal their Art, or Skill,
Their Ends, best on their Cullies, to fulfil.
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