Playing It Safe


Sail not too far to be safe, O Licinius!
Neither too close to the shore should you steer
Rashness is foolish, and how ignominious
Cowardly fear!

He who possesses nor palace nor hovel
(My little flat would be half way between)
Hasn't a house at which paupers must grovel
Yet it is clean.

Shaken by winds is the pine that is tallest;
Ever the summit is bared to the flash;
The bigger thou art, so the harder thou fallest —
Cracketty crash!

He who is famine can hope for the manna,
He who in plenty fears poverty's chafe —
He is the proper, the true Pollyanna,
Playing it safe.

Jupiter, bringing the bleak, bitter, raw gust
Also remembers to take it away;
He is the god of December ... but August —
April ... but May

When you have creditors suing to pay them
Four-to-an-ace is the way to invest;
But when you win every pot, you should play them
Close to your chest.
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