A Plea for Distinctiveness
Once—I remember to my shame—
When work and worry had fatigued me,
I said a book or play or game
“Intrigued” me.
I've picked perhaps a dozen times
The weeds of unintensive farming:
“Delightful,” “stark” … I once said rhymes
Were “charming”!
But never while I serve the Muse,
Stripped though I be of verbal vesture,
Shall I, my dear, descend to use
When work and worry had fatigued me,
I said a book or play or game
“Intrigued” me.
I've picked perhaps a dozen times
The weeds of unintensive farming:
“Delightful,” “stark” … I once said rhymes
Were “charming”!
But never while I serve the Muse,
Stripped though I be of verbal vesture,
Shall I, my dear, descend to use
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