Poems Selected From the Four Evangelists - Song 2: The Eight Beatitudes
Bless'd are they who in spirit poor,
Are drain'd of self-conceit;
To them in Jesus is made sure
Heav'n's kingdom, rich and great.
Bless'd are the mourners now for sin,
Who sow by faith in tears;
Their reaping time of joy within
Shall be to endless years.
Bless'd are the meek, whose humble mind
Of Jesus' spirit shares;
The earth with heav'n shall be assign'd
To them as proper heirs.
Bless'd are the souls that hunger much,
And thirst for righteousness;
A feast shall be prepar'd for such,
A fill of heav'nly bliss.
Bless'd are the merciful to man;
Though God them nothing owe,
Yet mercy more they shall obtain,
The more they mercy show.
Bless'd are the pure in heart and way,
Through God's renewing grace;
For none but such shall share for aye
The vision of his face.
Bless'd are peace-makers kind, that aim
To make all strife to cease;
They shall be nominate with fame,
Sons of the God of peace.
Bless'd are they who, for Jesus' sake,
Bear shame, reproach, and pain:
They shall, with glorious joy, partake
Of his triumphant reign.
Are drain'd of self-conceit;
To them in Jesus is made sure
Heav'n's kingdom, rich and great.
Bless'd are the mourners now for sin,
Who sow by faith in tears;
Their reaping time of joy within
Shall be to endless years.
Bless'd are the meek, whose humble mind
Of Jesus' spirit shares;
The earth with heav'n shall be assign'd
To them as proper heirs.
Bless'd are the souls that hunger much,
And thirst for righteousness;
A feast shall be prepar'd for such,
A fill of heav'nly bliss.
Bless'd are the merciful to man;
Though God them nothing owe,
Yet mercy more they shall obtain,
The more they mercy show.
Bless'd are the pure in heart and way,
Through God's renewing grace;
For none but such shall share for aye
The vision of his face.
Bless'd are peace-makers kind, that aim
To make all strife to cease;
They shall be nominate with fame,
Sons of the God of peace.
Bless'd are they who, for Jesus' sake,
Bear shame, reproach, and pain:
They shall, with glorious joy, partake
Of his triumphant reign.
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