A Poetic Epistle

Address'd to some Ladies of the Author's Acquaintancce in Town, inclosing the preceeding Song.

Least you should think I mean to flight,
I've seiz'd my Quill thus soon to write:
I fled from Town t' avoid the Times,
Least they shou'd plunge me into Rhimes;
Lo! the Effects — why, Ladies, here,
Still more provoking they appear,
Already I've engag'd — a Proof;
I tell you nothing but strict Truth;
Mark the inclos'd — What cou'd I say?
A Monarch's Cause demands a Lay:
King Derrick 's Dignity to save,
His tott'ring Power from the Grave,
Provok'd me on; his Title's good,
Or neuter wou'd your Scribbler stood;
But to illustrate this Dispute,
And tell you whence it first took Root —
Derrick , by Suff'rage of the Great,
Obtain'd the Rule of this gay State;
Nor can I learn — he's much offended,
Faults we have all — his not intended;
Sometimes, by even those in Rule,
'Tis pleasant deem'd to play the Fool;
And yet a Band of upstart Souls,
Whom Thirst of Interest controuls,
Have clan'd themselves into a Crew,
A Sage Committee — wise, as true;
A*** S and S***** E the Rebels head,
With Hearts of Stone, and Sculls of Lead:
I think I've put 'em into Steep;
But least they should not rightly keep,
'Tis ten to one but very soon.
I rate 'em to this very Tune.
Here break we off. — With much Regard,
I rest your most respectful Bard.
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