Postcard from Kashmir
Kashmir shrinks into my mailbox,
my home a neat four by six inches.
I always loved neatness. Now I hold
the half-inch Himalayas in my hand.
This is home. And this the closest
I'll ever be to home. When I return,
the colors won't be so brilliant,
the Jhelum's waters so clean,
so ultramarine. My love
so overexposed.
And my memory will be a little
out of focus, in it
a giant negative, black
and white, still undeveloped.
my home a neat four by six inches.
I always loved neatness. Now I hold
the half-inch Himalayas in my hand.
This is home. And this the closest
I'll ever be to home. When I return,
the colors won't be so brilliant,
the Jhelum's waters so clean,
so ultramarine. My love
so overexposed.
And my memory will be a little
out of focus, in it
a giant negative, black
and white, still undeveloped.
Не знаєте чи варто взагалі
Не знаєте чи варто взагалі грати в ігрові автомати? Здрастуйте, граючи в ігрові автомати, ви отримуєте велику дозу азарту, що не зрівняється з онлайн іграми, тому я б порадив грати тільки в автомати, але знайти хороший сайт дуже складно, і я готовий вам у цьому допомогти, вам варто зазирнути на цей сайт, це найкращий із найкращих, величезний вибір ігор та якість, тому вам обов'язково варто зайти сюди й пограти.
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Agha Shahid Ali's "Postcard
Agha Shahid Ali's "Postcard from Kashmir" is a poem that conveys the emotions of displacement and the fluctuating nature of memories. In just a few lines, the poet manages to capture the essence of longing and the inevitable transformation of one's connection to home.
The opening lines draw readers into the poet's world where Kashmir, a place of immense beauty and significance, is symbolically confined within the limits of a mailbox. The poet's choice of a postcard as a vessel for home further amplifies the theme of separation.
The line "I always loved neatness" introduces a personal touch, revealing the speaker's preference for order and precision. The juxtaposition of the neatness and the grandeur of the Himalayas adds a layer of irony. This irony deepens as the speaker acknowledges that this postcard is the closest they will ever be to home, emphasizing the permanence of their physical and emotional distance.
The poet employs vivid imagery to describe the anticipated changes upon their return to Kashmir. The colors won't be as brilliant, the Jhelum's waters not as clean, and the memory will be a little out of focus. These lines convey the inevitability of change and the impermanence of experiences.
The final lines, "black and white, still undeveloped," encapsulate the essence of the poem. The memories are still undeveloped, suggesting that they are yet to be fully realized or comprehended by the speaker. This ambiguity adds to the overall poignancy of the poem, leaving readers with a sense of nostalgia and introspection.
Agha Shahid Ali's "Postcard from Kashmir" is a masterful exploration of homesickness and the transformative nature of memory. Through concise and evocative language, the poet invites readers to reflect on their connections to home and the inevitable changes that time brings. The poem's universal themes make it a poignant and thought-provoking read for readers of all ages.
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