The Praise of Pindar
In Imitation of Horace his second Ode , B. 4.
Pindar is imitable by none;
The Phænix Pindar is a vast Species alone
Who e're but Dædalus with waxen wings could fly
And neither sink too low, nor soar too high?
What could he who follow'd claim,
But of vain boldness the unhappy fame,
And by his fall a Sea to name?
Pindars unnavigable Song
Like a swoln Flood from some steep Mountain pours along
The Ocean meets with such a Voice
From his enlarged Mouth , as drowns the Oceans noise.
So Pindar does new Words and Figures roul
Down his impetuous Dithyrambique Tide ,
Which in no Channel deigns t'abide,
Which neither Banks nor Dikes controul.
Whether th' Immortal Gods he sings
In a no less Immortal strain ,
Or the great Acts of God-descended Kings ,
Who in his Numbers still survive and Reign
Each rich embroidered Line ,
Which their triumphant Brows around,
By his sacred Hand is bound,
Does all their starry Diadems outshine.
Whether at Pisa 's race he please
To carve in polisht Verse the Conque'rors Images ,
Whether the Swift , the Skilful , or the Strong ,
Be crowned in his Nimble, Artful, Vigorous Song:
Whether some brave young mans untimely fate
In words worth Dying for he celebrate,
Such mournful , and such pleasing words,
As joy to'his Mothers and his Mistress grief affords:
He bids him Live and Grow in fame,
Among the Stars he sticks his Name :
The Grave can but the Dross of him devour,
So small is Deaths , so great the Poets power
Lo, how th'obsequious Wind , and swelling Ayr
The Theban Swan does upwards bear
Into the walks of Clouds , where he does play,
And with extended Wings opens his liquid way.
Whilst, alas, my tim'erous Muse
Unambitious tracks pursues;
Does with weak unballast wings,
About the mossy Brooks and Springs ;
About the Trees new-blossom'ed Heads ,
About the Gardens painted Beds ,
About the Fields and flowry Meads ,
And all inferiour beauteous things
Like the laborious Bee ,
For little drops of Honey flee,
And there with Humble Sweets contents her Industrie .
Pindar is imitable by none;
The Phænix Pindar is a vast Species alone
Who e're but Dædalus with waxen wings could fly
And neither sink too low, nor soar too high?
What could he who follow'd claim,
But of vain boldness the unhappy fame,
And by his fall a Sea to name?
Pindars unnavigable Song
Like a swoln Flood from some steep Mountain pours along
The Ocean meets with such a Voice
From his enlarged Mouth , as drowns the Oceans noise.
So Pindar does new Words and Figures roul
Down his impetuous Dithyrambique Tide ,
Which in no Channel deigns t'abide,
Which neither Banks nor Dikes controul.
Whether th' Immortal Gods he sings
In a no less Immortal strain ,
Or the great Acts of God-descended Kings ,
Who in his Numbers still survive and Reign
Each rich embroidered Line ,
Which their triumphant Brows around,
By his sacred Hand is bound,
Does all their starry Diadems outshine.
Whether at Pisa 's race he please
To carve in polisht Verse the Conque'rors Images ,
Whether the Swift , the Skilful , or the Strong ,
Be crowned in his Nimble, Artful, Vigorous Song:
Whether some brave young mans untimely fate
In words worth Dying for he celebrate,
Such mournful , and such pleasing words,
As joy to'his Mothers and his Mistress grief affords:
He bids him Live and Grow in fame,
Among the Stars he sticks his Name :
The Grave can but the Dross of him devour,
So small is Deaths , so great the Poets power
Lo, how th'obsequious Wind , and swelling Ayr
The Theban Swan does upwards bear
Into the walks of Clouds , where he does play,
And with extended Wings opens his liquid way.
Whilst, alas, my tim'erous Muse
Unambitious tracks pursues;
Does with weak unballast wings,
About the mossy Brooks and Springs ;
About the Trees new-blossom'ed Heads ,
About the Gardens painted Beds ,
About the Fields and flowry Meads ,
And all inferiour beauteous things
Like the laborious Bee ,
For little drops of Honey flee,
And there with Humble Sweets contents her Industrie .
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