Prayer and Blessing


Pleased with Arjun's worth and valour,
Grace of soul and strength of arm,
Siva clasped the dauntless mortal
And assumed his godlike form!
Gentle rain from clouds descended,
Fragrant blossoms fell from high,
And a soft celestial music
Floated from th' auspicious sky!
Indra and the bright Immortals
Viewed with joy the mortal's might,
And their cars of light and lustre
Gemmed the sky like stars at night!
Heavenly swans with sweet bills tinkling
Drew the chariots through the air,
Sailed across the sea of azure
On their pinions soft and fair!
Softly, gently, reverently,
Grateful Arjun bent his head,
And in pure and pious accents
To the Bright Immortal prayed.


" Lord of Grace! The World's Asylum!
Whom by worship we attain,
Saints have conquered Death's destruction,
Shewed Thy path to gods and men!
Whoso seeks Thee not in worship,
Shunned by dearest kith and kin,
Lives a life of vain illusion,
Dies a death of woe and sin;
Whoso seeks Thee in affection,
Breaks through ills that wait our birth,
Finds in Thee his true salvation,
Peace and bliss unknown on earth!
Some are lured by worldly pleasures,
Some for heaven's enjoyments sigh, —
Save in Thee no true salvation
Is there in the earth or sky;
For in Thee alone is refuge,
And who leaves Thee dies in woe, —
This is Law, and not Thy anger,
Wrath nor passion dost Thou know!
Thee we serve with tainted worship,
And Thy form we darkly guess, —
Even thus our soul's blind longings
Have the power to heal and bless;
For illusions mock our vision,
Shadow-like our actions flee, —
He sees true who sees Thy image,
He acts true who acts in Thee!
Divers teachers often teach us
Divers precepts wise and great,
But Thy grace and blessing only
From our bonds can liberate;
And to rid this world of troubles,
Sin and sorrow, stress and storm,
Various forms at will Thou wearest,
Thou art Mercy — without form! "


Arjun reverently
Did His mercy crave,
He unto the warrior
Heavenly blessing gave;
And the gift of Siva
With a radiant flame,
As the sun to rain-cloud,
Unto Arjun came!
All the gods assembled
Blessed the man of truth,
Gave him arms celestial
Spake unto the youth.
" Thou hast proved thee faithful,
Thou shalt win thy end,
To the man true-hearted
Gods their succour send! "
Thus they blessed and vanished,
Arjun came and stood
Once more by his brothers
In the Dwaita wood;
And the good Yudhishthir
Blessed the emprise done,
For by truth and valour
Destiny is won!
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