Prayer In Massachusetts
Upon this soil may no tree ever grow
In this land may no lips ever again
Speak the word justice, now that all men know
Those lips have long boasted and in vain.
May never young men hither come to learn
What cruel elders have no power to teach.
May no lights burn here save witch fires that burn
Along some desolate and abandoned beach.
May this dour land go back now whence it came—
To early granite, to implacable sea.
May there descend on it the cleansing flame
Of some supreme remote catastrophe
Divorcing it forever with its shame
From men who would be generous, wise and free.
In this land may no lips ever again
Speak the word justice, now that all men know
Those lips have long boasted and in vain.
May never young men hither come to learn
What cruel elders have no power to teach.
May no lights burn here save witch fires that burn
Along some desolate and abandoned beach.
May this dour land go back now whence it came—
To early granite, to implacable sea.
May there descend on it the cleansing flame
Of some supreme remote catastrophe
Divorcing it forever with its shame
From men who would be generous, wise and free.
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