Preparatory Meditations: Part 2 - Meditation 28: Isai. 32.2. A man shall be for a hiding place from the Winde
That Bowre, my Lord, which thou at first didst build
Was pollished most gay, and every ranck
Of Creatures in't shone bright, each of them filld
With dimpling Glory, Cield with golden planck
Of smiling Beauty. Man then bore the Bell:
Shone like a Carbuncle in Glories Shell!
How brave, and bright was I then, Lord, myselfe?
But woe is mee! I have transgresst thy Law,
Undone, defild, Disgrac'd, destroy'd my Wealth,
Persu'de by flaming Vengeance, as fire dry straw.
All Ranks I broake, their Glory I benighted.
Their Beauty blasted, and their Bliss befrighted.
Hence Black-Blew, Purple Spots of Horrid guilt,
Rise in my Soule. Mee Vengeance hath in Chase
To spill my blood, 'cause I her Glory spilt,
And did the Creatures Glory all disgrace.
Shall I fall by the Venger's hand, before
I get within the Refuge Citie's doore?
Oh! give me Angells Wings to fly to thee,
My Lord, all stumbling stones pick out of th'way.
Thou art my Refuge City, and shalt bee.
Receive me in, let not th'Avenger slay.
I do attempt to over run my Sin:
And fly to thee, my Refuge. Let mee in.
Ive by my Sin a man, the Son of man
Slain, and myselfe, Selfe Murderer, I slew.
Yet on the Golden Wings of Faith which fan
The Gospell Aire the Altars Horns I wooe,
Renouncing all my Sins, and Vanity
And am resolv'd before the same to dy.
Accept me, Lord, and give my Sailes thine Aire,
That I may swiftly sayle unto thyselfe.
Be thou my Refuge and thy Blood my faire.
Disgrace my Guilt, and grace me with thy Wealth.
Be thou my Refuge City, take mee in.
And I thy Praise will on Muth Labben sing.
Was pollished most gay, and every ranck
Of Creatures in't shone bright, each of them filld
With dimpling Glory, Cield with golden planck
Of smiling Beauty. Man then bore the Bell:
Shone like a Carbuncle in Glories Shell!
How brave, and bright was I then, Lord, myselfe?
But woe is mee! I have transgresst thy Law,
Undone, defild, Disgrac'd, destroy'd my Wealth,
Persu'de by flaming Vengeance, as fire dry straw.
All Ranks I broake, their Glory I benighted.
Their Beauty blasted, and their Bliss befrighted.
Hence Black-Blew, Purple Spots of Horrid guilt,
Rise in my Soule. Mee Vengeance hath in Chase
To spill my blood, 'cause I her Glory spilt,
And did the Creatures Glory all disgrace.
Shall I fall by the Venger's hand, before
I get within the Refuge Citie's doore?
Oh! give me Angells Wings to fly to thee,
My Lord, all stumbling stones pick out of th'way.
Thou art my Refuge City, and shalt bee.
Receive me in, let not th'Avenger slay.
I do attempt to over run my Sin:
And fly to thee, my Refuge. Let mee in.
Ive by my Sin a man, the Son of man
Slain, and myselfe, Selfe Murderer, I slew.
Yet on the Golden Wings of Faith which fan
The Gospell Aire the Altars Horns I wooe,
Renouncing all my Sins, and Vanity
And am resolv'd before the same to dy.
Accept me, Lord, and give my Sailes thine Aire,
That I may swiftly sayle unto thyselfe.
Be thou my Refuge and thy Blood my faire.
Disgrace my Guilt, and grace me with thy Wealth.
Be thou my Refuge City, take mee in.
And I thy Praise will on Muth Labben sing.
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