Preparatory Meditations: Part 2 - Meditation 69: Cant. 2.2. The Lillie of the Vallies

Dull! Dull! my Lord, as if I eaten had
A Peck of Melancholy: or my Soule
Was lockt up by a Poppy key, black, sad:
Or had been fuddled with an Hen bane bowle.
Oh, Leaden temper! my Rich Thesis Would
Try metall to the back, sharp, it t'unfold.

Alas! my Soule, Thy Sunburnt Skin looks dun:
Thy Elementall jacket's Snake like pi'de.
I am Deform'd, and Uggly all become.
Soule Sicknesses do nest in mee: and Pride.
I nauseous am: and mine iniquites
Like Crawling Worms doe worm eat on my joys.

All black though plac'de in a White lilly Grove:
Not sweet, though in a bed of Lillies rowle,
Though in Physicians shop I dwell, a Drove
Of Hellish Vermin range all ore my Soul.
All Spirituall Maladies play rex in mee,
Though Christ should Lilly of my Vally bee.

But, Oh! the Wonder! Christ alone the Sun
Of Righteousness, that he might do the Cure
The Lilly of the Vallies is become
Whose Lillie properties do health restore.
It's glory shews I'm filthy; yet must spring
Up innocent, and beautifull by him.

Its Vally State and Bowing Head declare
I'm Haughty but must have a Humble minde.
Its Healing Virtue shew I'm sick: yet rare
Rich Remedies I'st in this Lilly finde.
Yea Christ the Lilly of the Vallies shall
Be to mee Glory, Med'cine, Sweetness, all.

The Lillies Beautie, and its Fragrancy
Shews my ill-favourdness, and Nauseous Stinck:
And that I must be beautifull, fully,
And breath a Sweetness that the aire must drink.
This Beauty, Odour, Med'cin, Humble Case
This Vallys Lilly shall my Soul begrace.

Lord, make me th'Vally where this Lilly grows.
Then I am thine, and thou art mine indeed.
Propriety is mutuall: Glorious shows
And Oderif'rous breath shall in me breed,
Which twisted in my Tunes, thy praise shall ring
On my Shoshannim's sweetest Well tun'de string.
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