Preparatory Meditations: Part 2 - Meditation 94: Joh. 14.2. In my Fathers House are Many Mansions
Celestiall Mansions! Wonder, oh my Soul!
Angells Pavillions surely: and no Halls
For Mud walld Matter, wherein Vermins rowle,
Worm eaten'd ore with Sin, like wormhold Walls.
Shall Earthen Pitchers set be on the Shelfe
Of such blesst Mansions Heavenly Plate of Wealth?
May I presume to screw a single thought
Well splic'de with Saving Faith, into my Heart,
That my poore Potshread, all o're good for nought
May ever in these Lodgens have a part
The influences of the Same would fly
With rapid flashes through my heart of joy.
Oh! that thy Spirit would my Soule Inlay
With such rich lining, Graces Web, that would
While in my Loom, me in these Tents convay,
And that thy Sovereign Love might ever hold
Me in the paths that to these Mansions bring,
That I might ever dwell with thee therein.
Oh! that my Meditations all were frindg'd
With Sanctifying Gifts: and all my wayes
Borderd were with Obedience rightly hindg'd
Lord on thy word thy Honour bright to raise.
Oh! that my Paths were pavde with Holiness
And that thy Glory were their shining dress.
Array me, Lord, with such rich robes all ore
As for their Matter, and their modes usd are
Within these Mansions. Dye them all therefore
Deep in thy blood: to make them gracious Ware.
If with thy precious robes will't dress me here
My present tunes shall sing thy praise when there.
Angells Pavillions surely: and no Halls
For Mud walld Matter, wherein Vermins rowle,
Worm eaten'd ore with Sin, like wormhold Walls.
Shall Earthen Pitchers set be on the Shelfe
Of such blesst Mansions Heavenly Plate of Wealth?
May I presume to screw a single thought
Well splic'de with Saving Faith, into my Heart,
That my poore Potshread, all o're good for nought
May ever in these Lodgens have a part
The influences of the Same would fly
With rapid flashes through my heart of joy.
Oh! that thy Spirit would my Soule Inlay
With such rich lining, Graces Web, that would
While in my Loom, me in these Tents convay,
And that thy Sovereign Love might ever hold
Me in the paths that to these Mansions bring,
That I might ever dwell with thee therein.
Oh! that my Meditations all were frindg'd
With Sanctifying Gifts: and all my wayes
Borderd were with Obedience rightly hindg'd
Lord on thy word thy Honour bright to raise.
Oh! that my Paths were pavde with Holiness
And that thy Glory were their shining dress.
Array me, Lord, with such rich robes all ore
As for their Matter, and their modes usd are
Within these Mansions. Dye them all therefore
Deep in thy blood: to make them gracious Ware.
If with thy precious robes will't dress me here
My present tunes shall sing thy praise when there.
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