To a Pretty Young Woman, Who Opening Oisters Said, She Wou'd Open For Her, and Mee too
'T IS true, thou't open for us both;
Since Oisters, which thou giv'st to me,
Shall fill thy Belly, thro' my Mouth,
By me be swallow'd, but for thee;
Thus op'ning Oisters for me, you
Say true, that for your Pleasure 'tis;
Since that which down my Throat does go,
But more to fill your Belly is;
If a good Op'ner you wou'd be,
Wou'd please your self, ease me of Pain;
Open your Legs, not Shells for me,
Your Oisters shall be yours again:
Venus , that Fish-Wise yet afore,
Who, some say, from the Sea, did spring,
Cou'd never raise Men's Vigour more,
With Oisters, or her own Old-Ling:
In fine, my precious Oister-Girl!
Whose stinking Ware makes Love abound,
Thy Teeth are the most precious Pearl,
I e'er in op'ning Oisters found;
Thy Juicy, Salt Commodity,
With thee makes Young and Old to deal;
Which you must part with suddenly,
Lest kept too long, not fit for Sale;
Lest, like dry stinking Oisters too,
From keeping long, you lose your Juice,
And Mouths, which water'd once for you,
For Want of Moisture, thee refuse.
'T IS true, thou't open for us both;
Since Oisters, which thou giv'st to me,
Shall fill thy Belly, thro' my Mouth,
By me be swallow'd, but for thee;
Thus op'ning Oisters for me, you
Say true, that for your Pleasure 'tis;
Since that which down my Throat does go,
But more to fill your Belly is;
If a good Op'ner you wou'd be,
Wou'd please your self, ease me of Pain;
Open your Legs, not Shells for me,
Your Oisters shall be yours again:
Venus , that Fish-Wise yet afore,
Who, some say, from the Sea, did spring,
Cou'd never raise Men's Vigour more,
With Oisters, or her own Old-Ling:
In fine, my precious Oister-Girl!
Whose stinking Ware makes Love abound,
Thy Teeth are the most precious Pearl,
I e'er in op'ning Oisters found;
Thy Juicy, Salt Commodity,
With thee makes Young and Old to deal;
Which you must part with suddenly,
Lest kept too long, not fit for Sale;
Lest, like dry stinking Oisters too,
From keeping long, you lose your Juice,
And Mouths, which water'd once for you,
For Want of Moisture, thee refuse.
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