The Prisoners

Wearily with tears of anguish
Prisoners aloud were crying,
In a dark and dismal prison
Suffering and sighing for their fate;
With words sorrowful their fetters
Now to loosen they are vying:
“Where art thou, O Virgin Mother,
For whom still in hope we wait?
The Lord of all the world awaken
To redeem our piteous state.”
As the Virgin knelt in prayer
The angel now came flying:
“Ave rosa gratiâ plena”
Greeting her predestinate.
“Release the hapless prisoners
Who for thee are ever sighing,
For thy Son's death to His Father
Early crying are and late.
Let the Child then grow in glory
For whom the cross doth wait.
Though thee a sword shall pierce,
Yea, thy heart pierce at His dying,
Suffer His death, O Lady,
To redeem us from our fate.”
Author of original: 
Gil Vicente
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